Welcome to Office of Publishing Services
The Office of Publishing Services is a prelude to the University press. It regroups the three distinct but related functions commonly found in the publishing industry.
Our mandate
To provide editing, publishing, and printing services to the design and development of teaching/learning, learner support, and corporate print and electronic materials.
Our Operations
The Centre is made up of three sections each providing specific and specialised functions. The three sections are as follows:
This section provides all the editorial functions as follows:
- Structural or substantive editing
- Copy-editing
- Language editing
- Proofreading
- Copyrighting
- Developing design briefs for content and covers
- Publishing production management
- Quality assurance and approval of dummies/proofs
This is where all matters of print and electronic publications design is handled.
Its broader functions are:
- Design and layout of teaching and learning materials
- Design and layout of corporate materials
- Artwork development
- Photography services
- Desktop publishing services (typesetting)
- Correction of dummies/proofs
- Liaison with in-house and private printers regarding print production
- Development of CD master copies prior to duplication
This section provides the technical support to the University regarding all matters of print production. Its broader functions are:
- In-house printing, collating, and binding of the University teaching/learning materials
- Printing, collating, and binding of the University corporate materials
- Printing of learner assessment materials
- Provision of centralised photocopying services
- Provision of technical office support on printing related matters
- Provision of technical advice on all matters relating to print production
Director, Office of Publishing Services
Telephone: (267) 3646006
Email: director-pc@staff.bou.ac.bw