Welcome to Southern African Development Community Centre for Distance Education (SADC - CDE)
The Southern African Development Community Centre for Distance Education (SADC - CDE) is an Open and Distance Learning Centre of Excellence in Southern Africa. It was established in June 2005 as an initiative of the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Ministers of Education and Training. It is hosted in Botswana by the Ministry of Tertiary Education, Research, Science and Technology (MOTE) and housed at the Botswana Open University (BOU). The Centre was established in line with the SADC Protocol on Education and Training for the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region.
The mandate of the Centre is to promote collaborative initiatives in capacity building towards regional best practices in Open and Distance Learning (ODL) for accelerated human resources development. The following vision and mission drive the Centre:
Vision: Excellence in Open and Distance Learning
Mission: Provision of capacity building programmes and services for effective and efficient management of ODL institutions within the SADC countries and it is a repository of information, materials and expertise for ODL institutions.
The Centre’s major functions are:
- Capacity Building in ODL.
- Facilitation of collaboration among ODL institutions.
- Facilitation of research in ODL in the region.
- Promotion of advocacy for Distance Education.
- Facilitation of sharing of resources: materials, information and expertise.
- Nurturing and supporting delivery of quality Distance Education.
- Dissemination of COL related information locally (COL Focal Point)
To visit SADC-CDE website, click here: https://sadccde.bou.ac.bw