To achieve the BOU Mission and Vision the University focuses on five core themes that will guide our path to 2036:
1. Learning & Teaching – the BOU Experience
BOU commits to providing a distinct learning and teaching experience to all its students, staff and alumni. This Framework will enable the University to create an intellectually stimulating and rewarding learning and teaching environment.
Goal 1: To facilitate students to acquire the knowledge, skills, competencies and experiences that empower them for a dynamic and competitive world.
Outcome 1: Students successfully complete their programmes on time, obtain employment or enhance current employment, and apply their competencies in the work-place and have decent livelihoods.
2. Student and Stakeholder Engagement
In its pursuit of lifelong learning, BOU will provide innovative programmes and services attractive to its prospective students, alumni and the public. BOU will collaborate with communities for addressing the country’s socio-economic needs. Such collaborations are an integral part of BOU’s mission and provide opportunities for research and innovation, student attachments, study visits and internships.
Goal 2: To be a community-centred and engaged Open University.
Outcome: Communities, alumni, local and global stakeholders are highly engaged by BOU.
3. Research, Innovation and Sustainable Development
Research and innovation will focus on defined thematic areas including indigenous knowledge systems, sustainable development and technology-enabled learning. A culture of research for both students and staff will be promoted. Inter-disciplinary research and close connection with communities and partners for collaborative research will be encouraged.
Goal 3: To promote a culture of research and innovation.
Outcome: Research and innovation that has societal impact.
4. Open Education, Entrepreneurship and Employability
BOU subscribes to open education through the global open educational resources (OERs) agenda as articulated in the 2012 OER Paris Declaration. It also values students’ utilization of multi-platforms. BOU endeavors to provide an enabling learning and teaching environment supported by a robust ICT infrastructure.
Goal 4: To adopt, develop and use digital technologies across disciplines.
Outcome 4: A culture of lifelong learning through the use of open education, acquisition of entrepreneurship and employability skills for societal impact.
5. Governance and Leadership
A culture of good governance and leadership will permeate the entire institution, contributing to sound policy formulation, robust strategic planning, change management, quality assurance, partnerships and reviews. It entails upholding the rule of law, ensuring effective oversight on issues of strategic importance, policy implementation, collegiality, accountability, transparency and effective communication across the university. It also entails prudence in the mobilization and allocation of resources, including the attraction, development and retention of high calibre human resources.
Goal 5: To promote good governance, ethical and transformative leadership.
Outcome 5: A thriving and sustainable Open University impacting communities in the area of governance and leadership.