Corporate Services
Corporate Services (CS) Division steers the planning and implementation of strategies of differentiated non-academic support operations covering functions of Administration, Facilities and Office Services, Human Resources, Financial Services, Procurement, Corporate Relations & Marketing, and Information Technology to ensure they contribute to the achievement of the mandate of Botswana Open University (BOU). CS further facilitates that management of University resources financial, human, physical or otherwise is done efficiently and is in accordance with good corporate governance principles.
Corporate Services amongst other duties ensures:
- Production of the budget through engagement and consultation with budget holders hence overseeing availability of University revenue to enable operations as well as management of expenditure for prudent use of financial resources.
- Adequate manpower resourcing and recruitments, talent management, performance management, staff development and welfare, with overseeing overall application of Conditions of Service on the University personnel.
- Procurement of leaners materials to support student during their studies and acquisition of University services and products including consumables, furniture and equipment.
- Provision of IT infrastructure, systems, applications, tools, platforms, solutions and networks through availability of services like having adequate bandwidth to enable and support the University on-line business.
- Provision of physical space inclusive of office accommodation and residential houses, as well as availing other office services like security, landscaping, cleaning, transportation and fleet management, record keeping and general administration.
- Engagement with all stakeholders to build positive relationships and provision of clarity for BOU mandate. Management of the University corporate image and public relations.
- Involvement in the University administration, corporate governance and risk management.