BOU Library is a growing library centre developed to support the distance education programmes of the University. It aims at building a comprehensive library collection. The objectives of BOU library are to:
- Develop a balanced and dynamic collection that supports educational research activities of the College.
- Provide high quality, user centred services to distance learners that are based on clear understanding of their needs.
- Provide integrated access to library collection and information services.
- Creatively apply accepted standards in combination with understanding of user needs.
- Stay abreast of new technologies and employ them for the betterment of the service.
- Help learners to acquire library skills, study skills and critical thinking
Our Libraries
The Library at Headquarters provides strategic leadership and coordinates the development and effective functioning of libraries at Gaborone, Maun, Francistown and Kang Regions. At Palapye Region services are provided through Public libraries.
Contact Us
BOU Library and Information Services Centres
- Gaborone Headquaters: 3646073/3646061
- Gaborone Region Library: 3646081/82
- Thamalakane Life-Long Centre Library: 6865621
- Kang Region Library: 6517248
- Francistown Library: 2418 6626